Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Season for Eggs...

This is the time of the year that female Bearded Dragons often lay eggs.  The eggs can be fertile or infertile.  Sometimes the scent of the opposite sex can cause females to develop eggs.  Often you can feel the eggs in the belly area and they feel like marbles, but many times you cannot feel them at all.  Some common signs your female might be carrying eggs include: restless behavior, pacing and wanting out of the enclosure, scratching in the corners and in hides, and lack of appetite.  If your female is experiencing any of these behaviors, put together a quick lay box for her.  A simple box can be a tote with a mixture of sand, soil, and vermiculite.  If all you have is sand, just use that.  Moisten the mixture so that it holds together firmly, but does not drip...kind of like a sand castle!  Put you gal in the box and she will instinctively know what to do, if she needs to use it.  A clip on heat light is a good idea if she's active in the box and spends any length of time in it.

Above is Foster Rosie digging away in the lay box.  She laid two infertile eggs in her enclosure and showed some of the common egg laying signs.  She spent all afternoon scratching and digging around in the box.  Rosie didn't lay any more eggs, but she was quite content in her efforts.  After a couple of hours, she had a nice warm soak and went back under her heat lamp in her enclosure.

Many female beardies are comfortable just laying their eggs in their enclosure.  Foster Carrie laid seventeen eggs in her enclosure before I realized what had happened!  She was quite content in her environment and didn't seem to need the lay box.

Both Rosie and Carrie will be available for adoption once their egg laying season comes to an end!  If you are interested in adoption, please visit for more info.

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